SS Floor Drains & Floor Trap


SS Floor Drains & Floor Trap

Metallic Forge offers a wide range of Drains, like S.S Square drains, Stainless Steel Tile Drains and all types of Custom-Made Drains are to be the manufacturer. The Drains are Designed to remove any Standing water near it. Suitable for low water Flow Rate. Usage like Bathrooms, Kitchens, Etc.,

The types are follows:

  1. Stainless Steel Floor Drains
  2. Stainless Steel Cleanout
  3. Stainless Steel Floor Traps
  4. Stainless Steel Roof Drains
  5. Stainless Steel Water Outlets

Applications: Vehicle Passing Trench, Platform Walkways in Oil and Gas Sector, Petrochemical Industries Civil Construction, Food Industries, Kitchens, etc.,


Our range of drainage solution is suitable applications as Follows:

  1. Residential housing
  2. Chemical plants
  3. Pharmaceutical plants
  4. Food processing
  5. Breweries
  6. Hospitals
  7. Airports
  8. Malls & Supermarkets